Artists to Watch: Adrian Marcel

Artists to Watch: Adrian Marcel
Adrian Marcel never loses focus of what matters most—his music. When it’s time to perform, he uses UE Custom In-Ear Monitors to deliver an unforgettable show.


Adrian Marcel never loses focus of what matters most—his music. Hailing from Oakland, CA, Adrian Marcel is a rising R&B star who follows his own path. After releasing his 2021 sophomore album, 98th, music lovers couldn’t get enough of Marcel's unique spin on modern soul. Named after the street he used to call home, the album reflects how Marcel evolved into a platinum-selling artist. Music was a part of his story from day one. To hone his musicianship skills, Marcel attended Oakland School for the Arts and spent his summers studying in the Young Musicians Program at UC Berkeley. Thanks to the experience he gained—and the support from his mother—Marcel developed his craft before taking his first big step in the music industry.


In 2013, Marcel dropped his debut mixtape, 7 Days of WEAK, under Universal Republic Records. The project introduced R&B lovers to his tender vocal style and natural ability to sprinkle a hook over any beat. A year later, fans fell in love with his first RIAA-certified gold hit single, “2AM” featuring Sage the Gemini. However, the road to success wasn’t always clear for Marcel. After being cut from Universal Republic Records in 2016, he found himself at a crossroads many artists face. Reflecting on the past, he says that he learned a lot from that pivotal era of his career. “I realized just how much I missed as far as publishing and royalties went,” Marcel admits. “I never wanted to be that naive again, so I started learning everything I needed to know about the music business. I guess you can say that the whole experience inspired me to grow.” Even when he felt the odds stacked against him, his Grammy-winning mentor, Raphael Saadiq, helped him make a strong comeback. Today, Marcel manages his own record label, Third Voice Music Group, and has the creative freedom to craft his own sound. He still looks back on Saadiq’s guidance and encouragement every now and then. “It was dope to have him at that time in my career,” Marcel says. “He taught me a lot about the industry and how to move within it. We both come from the Bay Area, so it was a natural connection.”


Marcel started a mentorship program of his own—Marcel University. Inspired by the challenges from his past, he gives kids resources and real-world advice to help them navigate their future music careers. “I teach them that it's never too late," he says. "Make sure you know this business from all angles before focusing on being a star or just throwing music out there.” That same knowledge led him to the stage, performing for fans who know his songs by heart. When it's time to deliver an unforgettable performance, he uses UE 7 IEMs to make it happen. “Performing with IEMs gives me a whole new confidence on stage,'' says Marcel. “With IEMs you can actually focus on your performance. Hearing what everyone on stage is doing, including yourself, allows you to be free and try new things.”

After discovering the differences between in-ear monitors and stage wedges, Adrian Marcel sided with UE PRO and never looked back. Ready to do the same? Order your own custom-made IEMs to improve your live performances!

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