Artists to Watch: Remi Wolf

Artists to Watch: Remi Wolf
Remi Wolf is redefining the sound of pop with custom in-ear monitors molded to her. Learn more about her rise as a pop idol and why she uses Ultimate Ears on tour.



Remi Wolf is on a mission: To erase the rules of pop.
Rising music star Remi Wolf is tossing out the standard pop formula—and artists like James Bay, Beck, John Mayer and Chance the Rapper are giving her their seal of approval. After her TikTok hit “Photo ID” went viral, music lovers have been entranced by her eclectic mix of catchy bubblegum pop drenched in funky soul.


Remi Wolf backstage at her concert 

But how did a junior Olympic alpine skier become a pop star?


Before releasing her first trio of EPs (You're a Dog!, I'm Allergic to Dogs! and We Love Dogs), Remi was studying at USC Thorton School of Music and auditioning for American Idol Season 13. And now, with her first studio album Juno on the Billboard charts, Remi is touring around the world on her 2022 tour with fellow pop idol, Lorde.


Remi Wolf wearing Ultimate Ears UE Lives.


To remold the sound of pop music and deliver incredible performances on stage, Remi uses custom in-ear monitors molded just for her—Ultimate Ears UE LIVE.
“I use UE LIVE when I'm on stage and I really love them because they're so clear. I think they have the full range of high and low frequencies. So if you need more bass, you can pump it out. If you don't need any bass, which is how I prefer to hear sound through my in-ear monitors, you can strip it down and hear every single instrument very clearly. It's very nice.”


“Before I was using UE Custom in-ear monitors, I was strictly using stage wedges, which I do like, but they’re very loud and uncontrollable, and there's just a lot of different factors that you can't get a handle on. Now that I use Ultimate Ears PRO, I have so much more control over what I'm hearing and the quality of sound. And depending on the room, like there's not all this bleed going getting into my mix. It's just much more controlled and makes for a better-sounding show.”



Remi shaped her own sound. Are you ready for a sound shaped to you? Get your own Ultimate Ears Custom in-ear monitors, and experience unrivaled sound, comfort and passive noise isolation.



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